The Great Commission?
25006 NQ - disciple
Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing thin the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching thto observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Read the context: Matthew 28
? To what does "therefore" refer?
? How was "of all nations" perhaps a surprise or confusion to Jesus' disciples?
? What does "baptizing" have to do with making disciples?
? Why does it say "name" rather than "names?"
or - Why not just baptize thin the name of Jesus?
JNE: The end of Matthew's Gospel is often called "The Great Commission." Jesus Christ did not just live and die to be a good story. Neither was He just an example of how to live a good life. Jesus came to be a Savior and King. Jesus came to rescue and change sinners. He did just that for numerous individuals recorded in the Gospels. But, there was more. Jesus was Who He was, is Who He is, and did all that He did, not just for the people He walked among. He did it for every person who has ever, or ever will live. Matthew records Jesus' instructions for all those for whom He lived and died and lives.
Some may say that "therefore" refers to the statement that "all authority" was given to Jesus. But more likely it refers to all that Jesus was and did. Because God in Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament promises of a Savior Messiah, Jesus instructs His followers to spread the Good News to "all nations." The Good News of Jesus is for all people everywhere.
The Good News of Matthews Gospel (indeed the whole Bible) is not simply information but life-changing when it is believed and followed.
Jesus made sure that His followers (disciples) understood that they were following God in all His fullness as Father, Son and Spirit.
With this "Great Commission" Matthew's Gospel is not the end of the story of Jesus but the beginning which involves every human being from the first to the last. The present and eternal life of everyone is determined by how they respond to Jesus Christ. We all live in the present and forever either with Jesus or without Him, either forgiven or condemned. There is no greater responsibility, no greater privilege than to represent Jesus Christ accurately to people who need Him.