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Prosperity and Success?

24136 9Q - Bible / LIFE
Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."
Read the context: Joshua 1

? Why is it curious that God's instruction to the new leader of the Jews is to meditate on the Bible in order to succeed
in conquering the promised land?
? What are three ingredients to Joshua's potential success?

jne: The same as forty years before, conquering the promised land was a daunting task for the Israelites. God's advice seems rather limited. The only combat instructions God gave were "be strong and courageous." God's focus was on "this book of the law." Apparently there is a significant relationship between the Bible and successfully facing challenges.
"The law" that is referred to was the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Reading these books (or even the whole Bible) we do not find much of what would be normally called "military" strategy. So what about "
meditating" on the "Law, Torah, Bible" makes it so effective for "prosperity and success?"
The answer lies in how the Bible describes "
prosperity and success." Briefly, it is not as the world sees it. It is having an abundant and victorious life relationship with God in the midst of all manner of worldly obstacles, especially our own prideful, rebellious sin against God. This is the real, and certainly most common warfare we read about in the Bible. Pondering and obeying what God says in the Bible does not guarantee military or financial victory. But it does guarantee a present and eternal fellowship with The Powerful, Faithful, Wise and Loving God who Blesses us with HIMSELF in every challenge we face.

all content by J Neil Evans
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