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God Is Not Man?

BW 24124 9Q
Numbers 23:19
Numbers 23:19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it?
Read the context: Numbers 23

? How can anyone believe that God is a man?
? What does this verse say is one contrast between God and man?
? What does this contrast teach us about the character and nature of God?

jne: Does this verse give any way for someone to say that "God used to be a man?" If God is an exalted man, why does this verse not say something like: "God has progressed beyond being a man?" Actually, the Bible is full of declarations and demonstrations that "God is not man." God brings things into existence simply by speaking words; He knows things before they happen; He can do anything He wants no matter how humanly impossible; (controlling weather, healing with a word or a touch; forgiving sin; etc., etc. To claim that humans can progress to have these abilities and characteristics is blind and arrogant at the same time. No one, except Jesus Christ (the God/Man) has ever even begun to have the abilities and characteristics of God. No man has ever lived without lying; no man or woman has ever lived with by making the right decision or action the first time and all the time. There is simply and profoundly a giant gap between being God and being a man. Any of your gods that lie to you are not God.

all content by J Neil Evans
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