Where Is God In Our Challenges?
Isaiah 41:02 the context: The Babylonians are approaching with their merciless armies who have terrorized other nation they approached. God's people in Judah are justifiably fearful for their own future. The people are wondering where is God who is supposed to protect and rescue them from such things, Through Isaiah God asks:
God Asks Us: Isaiah 41:02 Who stirred up one from the east whom victory meets at every step? He gives up nations before him, so that he tramples kings underfoot; he makes them like dust with his sword, like driven stubble with his bow.
jne: The people wondered, where is God? Doesn't God care about us? God answers them with a pointed question: "Who do you think stirred up Babylon to wreak havoc on the nations, and especially on you, My people? Why do you think I would do this? Could it have anything to do with the way you have been treating Me? Why do you only turn to Me in times of trouble?"
This is much more familiar to us than we like to admit. What might God be saying to us in our challenges? God is willing and able to use whatever it takes to get our attention, because He loves us.