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9 Questions?
(book by J Neil Evans)

There are nine questions that we all face over and over every day in the process of making our choices about the life we have. Most of the time we answer without even thinking about them. We all answer the questions both consciously and unconsciously. Our behaviors reveal how we answer. Answering these questions without conscious and serious thought is where I believe most of us make a very big mistake.
In answering these questions, we all tend to use our own unique set of standards. Why do some people think living in the city is best and others the country? Why do people consider themselves liberal, conservative, or independent? Why do some people embrace religion and others deny it? Why do we choose the life we are living? Most of us are probably looking for some sort of “healthy, wealthy and wise.” But the reality of life is that each of us have a unique and limited set of options from which to choose the life we will live each day. But, we all do choose, and the life we have is the result of those choices.

all content by J Neil Evans
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