Random Thoughts About Life?
2024-09-09 - WHAT TO DO WITH DIRT?
While they usually call it "news," it seems that most media (news and social) follows the theme: "dig up all the dirt" on those with whom we disagree. The reason they publish it is because people (we, you and I) want it. It is said that most people get their information from sources with which they agree. So our beliefs and opinions are more often reenforced rather than researched. We, of course, claim to research, but usually look for sources that support our established beliefs. And the more "dirt" we can find the more justified our preferred perspective becomes. What can we do as individuals in this "mud slinging" culture to have a constructive rather than a destructive influence?
1. Recognize that dirt is dirty and has only dirtying effects.
(There are bad truths about people that must be exposed, but those truths become dirt when they are shared with dirty motives)
2. Recognize that most of us tend to like dirt more than truth.
3. Listen and think more than we talk. Dirt is much easier to share than truth.(Remember to check our sources and motives before we share what we believe to be truth)
4. Remember that we all have "logs in our own eyes that Jesus said ought to be removed before we try to remove the splinters in the eyes of others."
5. Remember how Jesus told the truth to and about those to whom He was opposed. Read again what he said about how to live a broken world.
Matthew 5: " Be poor in spirit; mourn; be meek; hunger and thirst for righteousness; be merciful; be pure in heart; be peacemakers; remember that truth-livers are persecuted."
6. Remember the purpose of the greatest Truth source (the Bible) is to 2Timothy 3: "teach, reprove, correct, and train," ME and YOU. These are the motives that transform "mud slinging" to "truth telling."
7. Realize that "mud slinging" is in our human DNA (our sin nature). Only God can rescue us from our self-centered hearts. He can, will, and does as we repentantly ask Him to.
Questions for Pro-Choice Advocates:
Can you describe any Pro-Life law that:
- Keeps you from having sex with anyone of your choice?
- Keeps you from choosing to become or not become pregnant?
- Forces you to become pregnant?
- Forces you to remain pregnant or keep a baby against your choice?
(People have always, and will always, found a way to eliminate babies and children they do not want - no law can stop them.)
- Actually Stops you from choosing to have an abortion?
> If you think that laws take away your free choices, do you not realize that you can disobey any law you choose?
> Laws may prescribe some consequences for our choices but they cannot force our choice to obey or disobey.
> Laws may seek to coerce our choices but they cannot force them. It seems obvious that for every law someone has found a way to choose to violate it.
> Certainly, Pro-life laws seek to discourage abortions, but they cannot stop them.
> Pro-Choice Advocates claim to be opposed to their choices regarding their "reproductive rights" being taken away. But in reality they are primarily opposed to being told that their choice to kill babies disregards God and is awfully dead wrong.
Read Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
2024-08-23 - DO ONLY SOME MATTER?
Whether the numbers are accurate or not, I do not know. I read that:
On the weekend before the Democratic Convention 30 people in Chicago were shot and 5 were killed. On day 2 of the Democratic Convention 12 people in the city of Chicago were shot and 1 was killed. On day 3 of the Democratic Convention 10 people in Chicago were shot and 1 killed. On day 4 of the Democratic Convention in Chicago, which has been controlled by Democrats since 1931, the crowd was stirred by the stories of four past school shootings around the U.S.. But no mention was made of the recent violence in Chicago, I wonder why.
It seems that it is easy to blame guns and the people who refuse to ban them. It seems easy to blame one race or the other. It seems easy to blame one group of people or another. What is hard, if not impossible, apart from the enlightening Grace of God is to blame our individual and collective sin that the Bible describes as "everyone does what is right in his own eye." (Judges 21:25) The solution is not political. The solution is not legal. The solution is not psychological. The solution is not economical. The solution is Spiritual. Only God can change our selfish hearts. But many of us prefer to blindly rally around the rousing things that have never worked and never will.
Refusing God's rescue, those claiming to wisely lead us, will continue to repeat their tried and failed mantras. All the while, God is as close as a prayer to those willing to humbly pray; "God be merciful to me a sinner." (Luke 18:13)
Read Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
2024-08-21 - Pro-Choice Choices?
How many choices has a woman made before she seeks the free choice to have an abortion? How many important questions has she chosen to face or ignore?
- Do I choose to listen to or ignore both sides of the abortion debate?
- Is this temporary pleasure worth the possibility of getting pregnant?
- Am I certain that the contraceptives I am using will be effective?
- Am I willing to stop an intimate moment if there is a chance I become pregnant?
- What kind of men do i choose to date?
- Has this man proven he would be a good father?
- Will I let alcohol or drugs affect my relationships with men?
- Am I confident that I am emotionally, financially and spiritually mature enough to make these life determining choices?
- Do I think about or ignore the impact my motherhood choices will have on my family and friends?
- Do I think about or ignore how I might feel about my choice in the months and years ahead?
- Do I think about or ignore thinking about the thoughts, feelings and potential life of the baby growing inside me?
- Do I consider or ignore the alternative choices available to me.
- Have I worked at being the kind of woman a faithful man would seek?
- Do I listen to or ignore what God says about sex?
- Do I listen to or ignore what God says about motherhood and children?
- Am I willing to personally listen to or watch what actually happens in an abortion?
- Am I willing to listen to or read the testimonies of women who regret having an abortion?
- Have I spent any time really thinking about the potential joys of motherhood with a faithful loving husband?
> NOT EVEN ONE of these questions or choices are prohibited by any so called "pro-life" law.
> BUT woman do make these choices in one direction or another.
> The ONLY CHOICE that Pro-Life laws restrict is the choice to kill a baby in the womb.
When a woman comes to the place where she is choosing whether or not to have an abortion, she has already made many many unrestricted choices that have resulted in what she now considers a predicament. She has already made many many unrestricted choices regarding her "reproductive rights."
It is certainly misleading and indeed untrue to claim that pro-life laws deny a woman's reproductive rights. Additionally it is misleading to claim that pro-life laws are uncaring, hateful, anti woman's choice. In fact pro-life laws are grounded in sincere love and a strong desire for women to know the high calling God gives to women to be faithful wives and mothers, and to know the deep joy of trusting God's faithful working in their lives.
Read Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
2024-08-11 - God Uses Years - All of Them?
My wife and I just got home from my 1964 High School Reunion. I had never been to a class reunion before. I have been in contact with only a couple of you over the years. Thus the majority of my high school classmates I have not seen for sixty years. I was surprised that people remembered me.
As a young man I was a combination of shyness and blind selfishness that didn't really take life very seriously. Of course I enjoyed things but without much genuine care about what was presently or eternally good for myself or others. Thankfully, over the past sixty years I have changed, or more accurately God has changed me.
I had only a few close friends while in High School, and I, like many others moved away from my hometown, so it is understandable that I would neither miss or be missed, especially after sixty disappearing years.
So, why did I choose to go to this reunion after so long? I thought, even talked, about going to a reunion throughout the years. I always had what I considered good reasons not to go back to a past which I assumed, had little influence on me, or on which I had such little influence. But as I have matured, or as God has graciously taught me, I realize that these thoughts and feelings are not unusual. Thankfully most people grow out of the blind arrogance of youth. I believe that none of us deserve the credit for any good changes in our lives. I was curious about how God has changed the people I knew in my youth.
It is not surprising that beyond, and much more significant than, gray hair and "wrinkles," amid the variety of vocations and accomplishments I witnessed sincere interest in and appreciation of each other. One man, summarizing our time together, mentioned that our shared youth had more influence on who we have become than we tend to realize. I agree and admit that I have been slow to learn how God uses every circumstance and every person in our lives.
Thank you, class of 1964 for the reminder that God can grow and change us, when we let Him.
Read Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
2024-08-02 - Reproductive Rights?
A candidate for President of the United States says they want "Reproductive Rights" to be "guaranteed in every State." This statement is disingenuous at best. The truth is that the real issue is abortion. This candidate actually wants women in every state to have the right to choose abortion to end an unwanted reproduction.. It would be more accurate and honest to recognize there are no laws against choosing to reproduce. The issue involves choosing to reproduce or not reproduce. I have never heard a pro-life argument against the right to choose to reproduce. Women can choose to reproduce or not reproduce. The pro-life objection is when abortion is used in the choice to not reproduce. Tellingly, abortion advocates seem compelled to misrepresent pro-life supporters as being against "reproductive rights." Pro-choice people do not oppose "reproductive rights," they oppose killing unborn babies.
In the same campaign ad, this candidate also said they want an America where "hard work is rewarded." It should be recognized that the insinuation that America does "not reward hard work" is similarly disingenuous at best.
Could it be that one of America's (in fact mankind's) most significant problems is how easily and often misrepresentation is followed?
Read Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
Spectacular? Glory?
The opening ceremony of every Olympic Games is always spectacular. In fact, each one seems to be more amazing than the last. Combining technology, imagination and talent every hosting country seeks to offer a most spectacular experience for the world.
The 2024 Summer Olympics opening ceremony in Paris was no different. It was indeed a spectacular laser show featuring the Eiffel Tower. The creators said they wanted to celebrate "inclusion and diversity." They wanted everyone to feel welcome to and impressed by their portrayals of contemporary French culture. For their efforts they, like most people, anticipate, consciously or unconsciously, the glory that usually follows.
This is the way it has been throughout human history. From the Pyramids of Egypt, the Roman Colosseum, and Notre Dame in Paris, human beings have designed and built countless spectacular things. For their efforts, they have received multiplied glory. The quest to be spectacular seems to be both everywhere and unquenchable. And the glory received is equally everywhere enthusiastically given.
BUT, it is also true that virtually every "spectacular" thing humans have done or are doing are doomed to be superseded and even forgotten or decayed. Thus, no matter how spectacular, human glory is always fading. And it is often misplaced as it was in the shameful drag queen display of the Paris opening ceremony.
There has been one thing in history that was truly spectacular and truly glorious. The Bible says in John 1:14 "And the word (Jesus/God) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." Those who do not see the matchless spectacle and glory of Jesus Christ, have either denied or misunderstood the Bible story of Who Jesus Christ is and What Jesus has done for the the world and for them personally. They are missing the eternal reality of the Biblical fact that "they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. But as it is written, what no eye has seen nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1Corinthians 2:9
I pray that those enthralled by the temporary spectacle and glory of Paris (and all other human glories) will come to know the true glory of Jesus Christ.
Read Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
Does Trump Represent a US Theocracy?
A very influential and long-time Democratic spokesman has claimed that Trump and his followers represent an alarming Theocratic takeover of the United States. He sites claims that "God protected Trump from assassination" as one of many warning signs that Trump is a theological figure. Identifying of Trump's persecutions with those of Jesus Christ is seen as a clear "deification" of Trump and that he and his followers plan to replace our Constitutional Democracy with a Biblical Theocracy. That, he and others claim and fear would result in the oppression and destruction of any and all non-Christian ideas and individuals.
Interestingly many Christians claim and fear that they themselves are the objects of oppression and planned destruction by exalted contemporary liberal beliefs and behaviors. Setting aside the important discussion of the reality of the claims and fears within our various political and civil factions. how does the Bible actually describe and direct the followers of Jesus Christ to relate to those in authority over them?
Here are two key Bible passages that direct and describe a true Christian's relationship with their political leaders. Sadly, content with their preferred perspectives, both opponents of Christianity and many people who are, to use a phrase, "Christians in name only," will most likely ignore reading and pondering what the Bible really says about Christian citizenship.
Romans 13:1-7 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.
1Peter 3:13-17 Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
There are many very important things that could be noticed in these few verses but I mention only these:
1. It is understandable and easy for Christians to long for leaders who govern with Biblical wisdom. We claim we would gladly submit to them. But the Bible says that God has sovereignly appointed all our authorities, past, present and future. In that sense, we already live in a Theocracy, just not the kind we imagine. (As an aside... We must recognize that in His Sovereignty, God has undoubtedly protected President Biden (and all of us) from numerous harms, in ways just as real, though undoubtedly not as public and dramatic as what we all saw on television with Donald Trump.)
It is worth noting that Jesus did not die to defeat oppressive Rome, but to pay for and redeem our proud rebellious hearts. God's greatest desire is to change our hearts, not our political party affiliation.
2. Though anti-Christ's disagree, a Theocracy with Jesus Christ as King will be a very good thing for everyone except those who misunderstand and misrepresent good and evil. It will one day come to pass, accomplished not by human politics or religion but by the very presence of Jesus Christ Himself. Any individual or group, large or small, who invites or welcomes credit and praise from those they claim to lead are both deceived and deceiving. True leadership is a gift not a longing or an achievement.
GOD is the Only One Truly Worthy of our full Dependence, Trust, Praise and Fear.
Read Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
Everything Comes To Pass
For the moment it is being reported that Former President Donald Trump was shot in the ear. The assumed shooter was killed after shooting two other people, one died and one was wounded. It can reasonably be assumed that a variety of theories and conjectures for these events will be explored and presented in the days to come.
Why does it seem more alarming for someone to kill politicians than for 100 people to be shot in Chicago over the fourth of July holidays?
Some will say that in the social and political climate in which we live, such violence is inevitable. Actually, it is.
As much as people like to think that human beings are basically good, the opposite it true. We are all selfish, proud and usually blind to the depth of it. Though we tend to attribute this foundational "sin" to other people, it infects us all and the consequences are the relational, social and political climate in which we live.
In such a world, where Jesus said: "you will have tribulation," all sorts of things come to pass. Every day, for all of us, welcome and unwelcome, expected and unexpected, events come to pass. Things we hoped and planned for come to pass; but so do things we dreaded and did not plan.
It is true that our beliefs, attitudes and behaviors greatly influence the happenings of our days. But it is also true that many things in our days are beyond our control and even our influence.
As I heard the description of the man, who was simply an attendee at the Trump Rally, was shot in the head and killed instantly, I thought about the the reality, the fact, that for every one of us our death will come to pass. Most likely it will come at an unexpected, unplanned time.
Why do we tend to think that such a certain event will not happen to ourselves, at least not today, or the near future? We behave like we think we can make the march of time stand still? One day, and much sooner than we think, we will, like the Bible says, die and stand (or bow) before the Perfectly Righteous God and face His Judgment. He will judge our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. But He will primarily judge our relationship with Jesus Christ Who simply and profoundly asks "who do you say that I am?
The shooter and the man he killed today both had plans for their day. We can assume that one man's plans were more benign than the other. But I wonder if either of them thought about what would come to pass after they died. I wonder too, if Donald Trump thinks differently about what may inevitably come to pass on his tomorrow? I wonder what we all think about the fact that our tomorrow will surely come to pass. I wonder how many people think that the question "what will you do with Jesus?" can be put off for a later day?
Read more Crucial Questions We All Face Every Day
An Overlooked Friend!
I first met Dan Wolf about twenty years ago. The first thing I noticed was what probably most everyone else noticed. He was socially awkward. He had an undeveloped understanding of how to talk and behave with others. He talked, but not the way normal people are expected to talk. Dan was politely considered "mentally disabled." He lived next door to his parents who lovingly watched over him as he adequately cared for himself. He did the things adults do. He drove his pick-up truck wherever he wanted and needed to go. He cooked and cleaned, minimally, for himself. He made his own doctors appointments and, like many people, fretted over many real, and many imagined, medical issues.
Dan was present at almost every church function, seeking to be accepted and included like everyone else. Dan agreed with spiritual things that were talked about, but was unable to articulate the truths in his own words. He was always ready to help, but help usually meant watching.
Dan was accepted and included, sincerely, but with mostly unconscious caution. We don't (I don't) know how to relate to "slow, mentally disabled, different" people. How are we supposed to normally treat abnormal people?
Actually I did spend quite a bit of time with Dan. Probably because he "hung around me," rather than me being with him. For that I am regretful and ashamed. Dan was needy and dependent. I didn't really know how to adequately give him what he wanted and needed. And it seemed like few other people knew either. I played verbal and relational games with Dan. We teased each other with fun criticisms of our likes and dislikes. I habitually put small stones on his truck bumper or windshield and he would gleefully chase me away. Dan would make fun of my "old Chevy truck that wasn't near as good as his Toyota pick-up."
I watched and listened as Dan tried to develop and maintain a romantic relationship with a woman of similar mental and social stature. I didn't know how to help with something that was so longed for yet so surely unworkable. Interestingly Dan sincerely desired for all his relationships to be Biblically moral. He sought to be truthful, kind, faithful, pure in everything he did. He was frustrated that so many other people were not so inclined.
I moved away and the daily interactions with Dan ended. We talked on the phone periodically. The conversations were most often about his latest medical crisis. Dan would send us cards with simple, misspelled messages of sincere love for us. On a recent and rare trip back to Enterprise, we visited Dan at his home. It was more lonely now with his parents both in Heaven. We helped him feed "his deer" who came every evening to feast on the deer feed Dan purchased for them. Dan rummaged through his cluttered garage to find a gift to give us. I have and use a small hand axe that Dan gave me many years ago. He polished and etched it with the message: "To Neil Evans from Dan Wolf." This time he gave us two rough agates he said we might like to polish; and a small handmade cross Christmas tree ornament.
Last week I got a text message that "Dan Wolf died." Then after inquiring, "He was full of cancer. His relatives did not want a service. Gary visited Dan in the hospital." I have checked several times in the county news sources and found no death notices or obituary for Dan. I assume the church he attended made mention of Dan's death. The last time we talked he said he didn't go as often and people didn't visit him much.
People like Dan do not usually dress as nice, smell as nice, or interact as normal people do. But then what is normal? I suspect that our "normal," from God's and Dan's perspective is being focused on ourselves. Dan had the same problem but there was a simple, yet genuine (Holy Spirit) caring love for others that, I for one, tended to overlook, to my own loss. Dan loved me, and others, without the blinding and crippling self-interest that most of us "normal" people have.
Thank you God for putting Dan Wolf in my life. I miss him. Help me to be less judgmental, like him.
The World of Hate?
A good friend posted a response to a local news report about a "Pride Festival" in a public park. The city published an explanation about why the festival was allowed to use the park.
My friend used Biblical words to describe his objection to the festival. What he wrote was admittedly blunt, yet Biblically accurate. I don't know whether or not he anticipated the volume and negative responses he received. In a variety of ways he was accused of being intolerant, behind the times, ignorant and hateful.
I am confident he wrote because God prompted him. Christians must not be silent just because others believe they should be. When we confront our world we ought to be Biblically truthful, salty, and wise, which is not our human nature to be. Only Jesus did it perfectly.
When we confront the world with these Biblical motives it is crucial that we recognize while the world receives it as hate, Jesus demonstrated it as love. In fact Jesus understood and described the world's response to His love as their hate not only for His message but for He Himself. He said that His followers ought not be alarmed by the hate of the world, because the World hated, and hates, Him. In remembering this we must not mistakenly assume that we are free to be unloving to a blindly captive hateful world.
Jesus summarized our privileged responsibilities as we live as His Saints in this fallen world. He said we are to: "be poor in spirit ... mourn ... be meek ... hunger and thirst for righteousness ... be merciful ... be pure in heart ... and be peacemakers." These are all things I see in my friend.
Jesus concluded this list (we call the "Sermon on the Mount") with these words: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
May we all be challenged and encouraged by Jesus' words. And pray for each other as we seek to love those around us who either consciously or unconsciously hate Jesus in their attitudes and behaviors.
My Easter Pessimism?
I don't know about you, but I am basically a pessimist. It seems rather easy to see that everything in life is getting worse. Of course there are some good things happening, but they are the exception rather than the rule. We are told that if we just elect the good guys, things will improve; if we just take this pill or eat the right foods and exercise we will feel better; if we follow the experts advice things will turn out all right. The engraving on a tombstone rather sums up life as we experience it; "See, I told you I was sick."
I am simply saying that pessimism is very easily justified. We all have many good reasons to think that tomorrow will be worse, not better, than today. But... was Jesus mistaken when He said: "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world?" (John 16:33)
Adam and Eve, on the day they disobeyed God, set the deadly pattern for their (and thus our) days to be all sorts of "tribulation." Every effort at finding personal peace and prosperity is challenged by the efforts of others looking for their own personal peace and prosperity. All our conflicts are fundamentally grounded in the selfishness of humans seeking to "be like God," as the Serpent promised. For the Jews, their conflicting efforts resulted in "400 years of slavery in Egypt;" "40 years wandering then dying in the wilderness;" "the glorious and gory victories and defeats of the rise and fall of Israel's fortunes." No matter how optimistic they tried to be, the "good days" never seemed to last.
Then came a day that seemed like the "last straw." Babylon entered Jerusalem, destroyed both the city and their beloved Temple. Then they marched at least half the population back to Babylon as exiled slaves. Faced with the prospect of never-ending slavery, hopeless pessimism reigned.
The prophet Jeremiah, who had warned of judgment if they did not repent of their selfish idolatry, was left in Jerusalem and wrote a letter to the Jewish exiles in Babylon. It was a letter of Biblical optimism. He said:
“Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. 6 Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. 7 But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. 8 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let your prophets and your diviners who are among you deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams that they dream, 9 for it is a lie that they are prophesying to you in my name; I did not send them, declares the Lord.
10 “For thus says the Lord: When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile."
Notice three very important things in God's letter to the Jews in exile:
1. Their 70 years of exile were not what we pessimists would normally call pleasant circumstances. BUT... God had "sent them there."
2. Their "welfare," their multiplied family life, was what should be called "good" by anyone with even a little bit of optimism.
3. God was with them, fulfilling His promises to hear them and finally and wonderfully bless them.
My circumstances are nowhere near what the Jews in exile faced. But I confess that sometimes my hope is lost in pessimism. So I, and perhaps you too, need to remember:
1. God's listening and caring presence in my past, present and future is more important and valuable to me than the condition of my present circumstances.
2. The good hope of God's plans for my future are wonderful beyond my comprehension.
3. My pessimistic doubts are simply blindness to God's Glorious and Gracious optimistic plans for me.
At Easter, the followers of Jesus Christ thought all was lost. Jesus was brutally killed on a cross, buried and gone. But in that time of truly enormous disappointment, Jesus Christ conquered sin and death for all who were willing to repent and accept what Jesus did on our behalf. Jesus' resurrection on Easter morning should give us hope and optimism beyond anything the world can offer.
We may not know what the days just ahead of us will be like. But, knowing Jesus as our Savior, we know that our eternity is in His presence. What a privilege today to remember Our LORD's Death, and Resurrection until He comes. -938
all content by J Neil Evans
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